Monday, March 9, 2015

Round Up

We have had quite a time in Spanish the last few weeks!  There is so much going on this time of year with field trips, testing, (and unfortunately sickness), but we have been busy in Spanish.  The 7th and 8th graders participated in the National Spanish Exam.  I am so impressed by the effort that they have put into studying this year.  We will not have the official results of the NSE until May, but I expect some great scores.

Our 6th graders have been learning about e to ie stem-changing verbs.  These are a special group of irregular verbs in the present tense that follow a pattern of spelling changes.  They made boot posters to remember which conjugations show the stem-change (the ones inside the boot) and which ones follow the normal pattern (those outside the boot).  

Our 5th graders are learning about telling time this week.  Recently we finished a section on adjective agreement and they each wrote down the qualities that they admired in their classmates.  I am still working on getting all of those printed up and laminated, but reading all of the kind things that they expressed about each other made my whole day better.  

The 3rd and 4th grade students have been going over animal vocabulary.  I love it that they aren't content to learn the basics like cat, dog, bird.  We went over everything from anteaters to opossums to zebras!  As we continue this week, they are making masks of an animal, and will come to the front of the class, identify their animal in Spanish, and talk about care for creation and how we can help to care for animals and our environment. 

That is just a quick round up of some of the things we have been up to.   The school year is flying by, but I am so pleased by the things our students are learning, and so impressed by the people that they are becoming.