Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Welcome to a new year of Spanish at All Saints!  I am so excited about the opportunity to help you succeed in Spanish.  I know that whatever you do in life, Spanish can help you to reach more people and be more effective in fulfilling God's call.  

I have been teaching Spanish for fifteen years at the university level as well as for five years of K-12.  The program at All Saints is one of the most amazing I have seen, because even before middle school you are learning to speak Spanish.  One of the saddest things to me as a college teacher was hearing students say that they had studied Spanish for a few years, but couldn't speak it if their life depended on it.  What a waste of their time!  This program is different--you will actually speak the language, as well as reading and writing it (without relying on translation programs! ;) ).  Some of your exams will be oral.  You will have the chance to hear Spanish spoken by native speakers, converse with me and your classmates, pray together in Spanish and have fun!  

My patron saint, St. John Bosco, said, "But if I have a philosophy of education, it consists in discovering a boy’s best qualities and then exploiting them to his advantage. You must admit, sir, that any person is at his best when he is doing what he likes and does best. Children are the same. Promote their positive qualities and they will thrive."

I am looking forward to getting to know all of you better, and in discovering those many best qualities in you.  I love teaching Spanish, and it is an honor to be able to share that love with you!