Our weather this week has been warm and beautiful, and the students have been taking the ITBS, which created the perfect storm for holding class outside this afternoon. It was all fun and games, but very specific, Spanish-oriented ones. As the kids played tetherball, each hit was accompanied by preterite verb conjugations: ¡Gané! (I won) ¡Ganaste! (You won!) ¡Ganó! ¡Perdiste! ¡Perdió! and many others.
They took turns talking about what they ate, what they learned, what they studied, and what they played, using the regular -ar/-er/-ir preterites. Some did monkey bars with a verb conjugation for each bar, and each game included variations in Spanish. It gave us the chance to get outside and show God our appreciation for the beautiful day, work off any wiggles from the testing earlier, and still stay focused on learning and speaking Spanish. I call that a win in any language!