3rd and 4th Grade: This week we are learning about classroom objects, indefinite articles and the gender of nouns. Students are going over the patterns for endings for masculine and feminine nouns, the singular indefinite articles un and una, and common nouns related to school materials.
5th Grade: We have completed our practice with the subject pronouns and ser, and are going to begin the indirect object pronouns, prepositional pronouns, and the use of gustar with the infinitive of verbs to discuss activities that we enjoy doing.
6th Grade: We are finishing up our unit on gustar with nouns, and the present tense of -er/-ir verbs. We will be testing this week and then begin Unidad 3.2, with vocabulary of la familia, comparisons of nouns/verbs/adverbs/adjectives, numbers greater than 30, possessive adjectives and dates.
7th Grade: We began the regular preterites this week, and our unit will also include irregular preterites for ir, ser, dar, ver and hacer. We are continuing to practice interrogative words and the vocabulary for vacation activities and markets.
8th grade: Next week we test over the irregular preterite forms and -ir stem-changing verbs in the preterite. The students are already looking forward to learning the imperfect tense (especially as a break from all the details and irregularities in the preterite!). Our vocabulary focuses on learning about indigenous peoples in the Americas, and we will be learning some phrases in Náhuatl (the Aztec language). It is a busy time, for sure, but also the perfect weather for reading days and learning about the chocolate de las once in Chile with cloves and orange peel.
Our students are going to start preparing soon for our Spanish Mass celebrating the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe coming up on December 12th.
As always, these kids delight me with their enthusiasm and dedication to learning. I am so happy to be their teacher!