Tuesday, August 18, 2015

De colores and Caring for Beauty

I just wanted to share a quick note about a conversation in our classes yesterday.  One of the things that we are incorporating this year is becoming familiar with traditional songs in Spanish.  We listened to "De colores," a well-known song that talks about love and the beauty of nature, and discussed the lyrics.  I was amazed by the insightful comments!

The students talked about the way that the colors God uses to paint creation make it beautiful and exciting.  They make us feel happy!  From there, the conversation went to our responsibility to care for creation and keep it beautiful.  Instead of being selfish, we need to think of what is best for everyone.

What happened next surprised and delighted me.
The students made the connection that just as God has made creation lovely and we should take care of it, each person who is created in the image of God is also beautiful, and we have a responsibility to help nurture and protect that beauty in the way that we treat each other.  

What gorgeous hearts these children have!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Bienvenidos ~ Confidence, Love and Mercy

¡Hola y bienvenidos al nuevo año escolar!  Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year!  I am so, so excited about the opportunity to help the students at All Saints to succeed in Spanish.

In preparation for this year, there have been two themes that are directing some of our goals.  The first is our school theme, "Be merciful, as your Father is merciful," ~ Mt. 6:36.

The second theme is closely tied to that, and is a quote from my saint, Don Bosco. "Without confidence and love, there can be no true education."

This applies in so many ways.  I want our class to be a place of safety and joy, so that our students are confident that they are loved.  This will happen as we learn together to show mercy to all--teachers to students, students to each other, and parents and students to teachers ;).

We will be speaking a lot of Spanish this year, and that requires courage, willingness to make mistakes, and showing mercy to ourselves and our classmates.  It is hard to speak up in any language, let alone one that you are just learning.  As they see their skills grow, I hope that their confidence in their ability and their delight in Spanish will increase, as well.

I want our students to grow in confidence and love for themselves, for others, and most of all, their trust and love for their heavenly Father.  If they do, their education will truly be worth learning.